Sunday, May 3, 2009


few minutes ago.. i was thinking on what to post on my blog.. whether it would be about on things that interests me alot or things that are in right now..
while i was surfing the net, i came along on this site that was run by a volunteer organization..
they help people by letting us play a memory game..

A number is displayed and you have a certain amount of time to memorize the number indicated by the ever shortening blue bar. Once the time is up you have to enter the numbers by using your number keypad or by clicking on the web based keypad. The game will then compare your answer against the previously displayed number. If you get it correct you will moved onto the next level and you would have generated 1 cup of water.

guys let us not be blinded by the thing that we have now..
there are alot of people who suffer 'coz they've got NOTHING to eat and drink..

do you feel thirsty during fasti ng?
if the your answer is YES..
then you now have the idea on much these people suffer..
think about it..

just click the banner on the top page..

Sunday, April 26, 2009

punk goes pop - - volume 2

Artist: Various Artists
Punk Goes Pop 2
Fearless Records
Release Date: March 10, 2009

whoah! i've checked out the web yesterday to look for new songs available online.. just want to share this new album released by the Fearless Records..
Punk Goes Pop 2.. i'm really a big fan of "punk goes.." series.. aside from the fact that i'm a big fan of punk songs, in these collections, punk bands prove themselves that they can give cool interpretations of some popular pop songs..

Some of the strongest tracks on Punk Goes Pop 2 are ones that endure the most drastic changes.. my favorite track i this album is "When I Grow Up" by Mayday Parade.. the fact that the orignal artists of this song is a girl dance group yet Mayday Parade gave their cutest rendition of the song..

hope to hear more on the next album..


i wanna try this one out but i have no idea on how to start lol! can somebody help me out with this? peace out!